How to clean children indoor soft playground equipment
Post Date: 2023-10-21 00:00:00 Visit: 14

Children indoor soft playground activity center is a place with a lot of traffic, parents focus much on children's health issues as well as indoor playground facility disinfection and cleaning. Toddler indoor playground owner should also pay attention to the cleanliness of equipment so that not only protect children's health but also make lifetime of indoor amusement equipment longer. Below are some tips for how to clean children indoor soft playground equipment.

Usually we suggest to clean the equipment based on different material.

1.Plastic equipment and toys:Diluted disinfectants can be chosen for soaking or wiping, then wipe again. Small toys should be fully exposed to sunlight.

2.Cloth Toy:Cloth dolls, cloth books and other toddler indoor playground toys can be cleaned according to the instructions and clean regularly.

3.Plush toys:Stuffed toys cotton filling out and the outer layer of separate cleaning. If there is no damage to the toy, clean the whole toy together.

4.Metal equipment and PVC equipment:This type of equipment is generally large and is periodically sterilized by spray disinfection or violet light.

5.Video game devices:This type of product should be wiped with a dry cloth as much as possible to prevent damage to the equipment.5.Video game devices: This type of product should be wiped with a dry cloth as much as possible to prevent damage to the equipment.

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